Why You Should Travel the World

“Traveling is the best form of education.” 

My grandmother taught this to me my entire life. I grew up listening to stories of her and my grandfather’s travels all over the country when they were younger and all the places they saw and explored. At least a few times a year we would all hop in the car and go somewhere new: Mackinac Island, Niagara Falls, New York City, Cape Cod, Gatlinburg, even a cross country trip from Ohio to California and back. 

Sometimes it would be a weekend in Pittsburgh or Cincinnati. Wherever the destination might have been, near or far, a deep love for exploring our world was born inside me that I haven’t been able to tamp down since. Nor would I ever want to. 

There are a million reasons to travel but one of the most rewarding, in my opinion, is the personal growth it offers. 

The first time I took a solo trip, and one outside of the United States, was to Paris back in 2017. Man, it was exciting and nerve wracking at first, but it was definitely one of the best experiences I’ve had. I got to push myself out of my comfort zone and travel to a city I’d spent my entire life dreaming of. This feeling of accomplishment and exhilaration, of realizing that nothing is unattainable, is something that’s driven me to keep exploring and challenging myself. 

It’s exhilarating to strike out on your own, to be able to set your own itinerary and choose the places most interesting to you, which is a fringe benefit to traveling on your own versus with friends or family. Not to mention the opportunity to make new friends along the way in your journey. I met two lovely people sitting beneath a sparkling Eiffel Tower my first night in Paris who just happened to be next to me among the crowd. We chatted for hours and it was one of the highlights of my trip. 

View from the Eiffel Tower

Sunset at Eiffel Tower

Arc de Triomphe

If you aren’t willing to learn, it’s impossible to grow. 

Sounds a little cheesy, but it’s the truth, and it’s another of the many reasons I think everyone should take that leap for themselves. Keeping yourself open to new experiences is a key component to life that travel presents a prime opportunity to embrace. Don’t let it pass you by! 

When I visited London in 2018 I never imagined that I would fall in love with the city as much as I did. To me it had always just been one of those core cities that’s on your bucket list; a must see, but ordinary in its own right. 

Wow… was I wrong. 

There’s an energy that vibrates while you’re there that is addicting. It stays with you. From the hustle and bustle of Parliament Square and the majestic quality of Westminster Abbey, to the quiet calm of Hyde Park, to the iconic Buckingham Palace, there’s something for everyone. 

Have you ever found somewhere like that? If not, go out and find it. Travel to a new place and see what emotion it can spark inside you. Find somewhere that surprises you, whatever the latitude and longitude might end up being. I promise, you won’t regret it.

The London Eye

Outside The Globe Theater

Buckingham Palace

There’s something to be said about the virtue of immersing yourself in cultures different than those familiar to you. It broadens one’s mind and causes our brains (not to mention our hearts) to be more inclined to see other points of view and respect them. This is something we all could stand to do with a good dose of from time to time. Travel is a beautiful and unique way to accomplish this practice.  

Having the courage to put yourself out there in an unfamiliar place, around people you’ve never met, forces us to adapt. The learning is endless and unlike anything you can experience other than first hand. 

Chatting with a local, discovering neighborhood artists, understanding a currency, observing customs and traditions, admiring architecture, relishing new flavors… The list could go on and on. That’s what you gain by traveling. That’s why everyone should encounter it’s joys. 

Here are some of my favorite places in my travels.

View of the Grand Canyon

The sunrise in Punta Cana

The Brooklyn Bridge

Disneyland California Adventure Park

So the moral of this little story is…

Buy that plane ticket. Book a train. Check that destination off your bucket list. Get out there and discover the beauty the world has to offer. I hope you’ll join me in my journey to do the same and to share it with all of you.